Happy Friday, here is our 5/13/22 NR Family Update!

Reminder & Update: There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow (5/6/2022) and our 5/5/2022 NR Family Update is ready for viewing: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQagGjFo4NC6_GHXTc5hF0G0rINvWCgEbNfzw8Ry2t1jJZepy2eDbhuAtSxf74TGwdi8HEUcNmk4cfI/pub

Tomorrow we're supporting our Corunna Odyssey of the Mind teams by wearing our favorite hats for a $1 donation. All donations can be turned in to your child's teacher.

Tomorrow is the last day to reserve your spot for the Waffle Breakfast. Use the link below to RSVP!

All Nellie Reed Field Trip permission slips are due Tuesday, May 3rd! Fill yours out at the link below.

A couple Monday morning updates from Nellie Reed:
Waffle Breakfast RSVP Due: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkyQ28EcAvtzF1-DDAbEhtWF1yAQ4xKBWDfhFG7YDZwMRMIA/viewform
Field Trip Permission Slips Due: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiwTI8Z9tajkn9KnM_fujZOcgMhPrpeYsR6oafwIBahEsZZg/viewform
PTO Ice Cream Social RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScq0wyk4YbZb4hrgHYW_dPe88e_CaHryyXdL0Spjn0PF1-smQ/viewform
End-of-Year Celebration Calendar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G4eHdlqPLf8A2Gd3gI7kXb6dPbqKcNsn/view?usp=sharing

Happy Friday! Here is our 4/29/2022 NR Family Update:

Have you heard?! We love our students a WAFFLE lot! Join us for a Waffle breakfast to celebrate our students and their families. Use the Google form linked below to sign up for your special day.
May 10th, 8:30-9:30: Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Gustafson, and Mrs. Williams' families
May 11th, 8:30-9:30: Mrs. Bauman, Mrs. Boilore, and Mrs. Roland's families
May 12th, 8:30-9:30: Mrs. Hampton and Mrs. Young's families

The 4/22/2022 NR Family Update is ready for viewing! Check out the links for important information on upcoming events and field trips!

Message from Superintendent John Fattal

We hope you have a wonderful long weekend! Here is our 4/14/2022 NR Family Update!

See you Monday!
4/1/22 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ1SeZnZ37_C8hYcB8Pr7i9D8VEwCXbzjPWKBzwS_slzMKHk9YRP_EyxDmRwoid_BD3a3_7pU8hBF4h/pub

Spring Break is here and so is our 3/25/22 NR Family Update!

Our 3/11/22 NR Family Newsletter is ready to be viewed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS-NkLE4IzvNJn3P_Vv2mlc0bSbNBpVrp5WxZhNT3m8nPIS0lKjbbvPmG7L5yZT8wcj3xTXXiAIf3Lb/pub

Due to poor driving conditions, Corunna Public Schools will be closed Friday, March 11. Childcare will be open.

Happy Friday! Here is our 3/4/22 NR Family Update!

One of our favorite ways to work on fine and gross motors skills at Nellie Reed is with parachute play! The kids LOVED all the fun activities Mr. Noble had planned in gym today.

Our 2/25/22 NR Family Update is ready!

Happy snow day! Here is our 2/18/22 NR Family Update!

Corunna Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 18, due to deteriorating road conditions. Making the decision at this time will allow our families to make arrangements for childcare. Child care will be closed as well. Again, Corunna Public Schools will be closed Friday, February 18.