Happy fall!
10/30/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRtTdiWwRO8StTzakmVzl6mQKDtboua8gTesGn5MWBaW1723YJuRrR54jP-3yW7IWLUDzmvZ3FeVv3z/pub

Fellow Cavaliers,
Earlier today (10.27.22) our high school administration was made aware of a social media post that some might construe as a possible threat. Our administration, Head of Security and the Corunna Police Department have conducted a thorough investigation and determined there never was a credible threat.
Please talk with your child about using social media in a responsible manner and check what your child posts on all their social media accounts, like Snap Chat or Tik Tok.
Superintendent John Fattal

Fall is in the air!
10/16/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS4vRhhAkFZS5a5jE32gD5hD6MHX2lTh99Ji4ILIBgcyEIx_r0IkbfwSCb6_7__uTx50khlc1QpQ87R/pub

Happy Sunday!
10/9/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR8tqLRq0ObfMLj3jIIvMFOH88-bEB9S33R6uOnA1YDWP6yzLntZsUREnEg2Xj_9dFyu_fZLCOwtr2x/pub

We have had a fun-filled week of Homecoming festivities leading up to Friday night's Varsity Football game vs. Brandon! We have had great attendance at our previous 4 games this season and we expect another BIG crowd this Friday!
To provide maximum safety for all spectators attending the football game and to minimize congestion, we ask that you please the attached photo to know where to park at the middle school for the football game. Orange dots represent traffic cones blocking the ticket booth area off from traffic.

Have any plans this weekend? How about decorating for fall by supporting the Corunna Elementary PTO?! The Rivette Farms fundraiser is this Saturday from 11am-3pm. Details attached!

Happy Sunday!
9/25/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSMU-qToz_WYEeeOqk5ExobpACoaq5-7FL560RTjHEFpxKMd38P_NTMSZDLc6eAwby8HOR99CJ1JcEK/pub

See you Monday!
9/18/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTQ46cTEFIiWfCLw3kxdz_NRO7EIfcpSWcasf1R33K40tLdAXvrfMBoIS8JRpRLuLF8tCXIh1ZAKi2y/pub

Happy Friday!
09/09/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTKRAMfU-Iq9qH4Gkmq2zKNxp-BWkZ77Xz7plUERHYRUBr_bsLaByTm2JMs9uV_jgmR8d1syC2A3Pxx/pub

Happy Thursday! 9/1/2022 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRbhg0maFksNeZEn_n3_9eCRMfr0GQBBC0e2pvSr4vSEOlEcUp9xwShkGTh35tjnd3Jb1-IwhXGE5SZ/pub

Message from Superintendent John Fattal regarding tonight's inaugural contest on the newly-renovated Nick Annese Stadium

Important transportation message from Superintendent John Fattal

Here is another detail filled update from the Nellie Reed office! Have a wonderful weekend!

Message from Superintendent Fattal

Meet our new CHS principal Ron Jacobs from 3 to 4 p.m. July 4. He and Assistant Principal Paul Brieger will be handing out treats at McCurdy Park near the commercial building as our robotics team shows off their talents. Hope you can join us!

We are setting up physicals for all athletes at our Cavalier Family Health Clinic. For Cavalier Family Health Clinic members (children of employees) the physicals are free of charge. The cost for non-members is $30 for all other students.
We will have four dates available (all will be from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Cavalier Family Health Clinic): July 13, July 14, July 20, and July 21. Please click on and fill out the form below indicating which time frame works best for you and your child(ren). Please fill out the form for each of your children individually.
Please be reminded that before an athlete can participate in any athletic sport/practice/competition in the 2022-2023 school year, a completed physical must be on file.

Our last NR Family Update for the 2021-2022 school year is here!

It's almost the last day of school which means this is almost our last update for the year!
5/27/22 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQA5cVc0Ygc7om9x3uEwOYc9nf8c7-gNFKbD-B6pHYy036KufKsIMNJXk4gnw1oe07_un3DA7xGf4ij/pub

Parent letter 5.24.2022

Be sure to check out today's 5/20/22 NR Family update for more details on our End of the Year Celebrations.