Corunna Educational Foundation

124 North Shiawassee Street

Corunna, MI 48817

(989) 743-6338

Educational Foundation History

The Corunna Educational Foundation was founded in 1984 with a mission to preserve and enhance educational opportunities for students and staff of the Corunna Public Schools. The Foundation provides financial support in the form of scholarships and funding of mini-grants for classroom projects. In addition, the Foundation gives funding to provide for unique and supplemental education of individual students. The Foundation has assisted the school district in providing a state-of-the art technology program.

The Foundation would like to thank the citizens of the Corunna Public School District, the businesses and industries in Shiawassee County, and the many other friends of the Corunna Public Schools who have generously supported the Foundation in its missions.

Educational Foundation

Board of Trustees

Sharon Ganssley

Bill Graham-Treasurer

Char Hebekeuser

Mark Hetfield

Joe Janca

Noah Jacobs

Sally Labadie

Randy Meder

Michael Moore

Andy Oginsky

Jan Ray-Secretary

Susan Veale Rigoulot-President Elect

Kori Shook

Frank Vyskocil

Joy Welty

Jim Woodworth-President

Joe Zdunic

John Fattal-Superintendent

Jeff Riley-CPS Board Representative

-Jr. Class Rep.

A.J. Brieger-Sr. Class Rep.

-Sr. Class Rep. (Substitute)

Peggy Friess-Executive Director

Honorary/Founding Members:

Duane Black, Harry Buehler, William Mitchell, Douglas Sasse, Dr. Alan Welty, and William Whitlock

Scholarships have been created in honor and in memory of loved ones or  to simply assist seniors with their educational journey. Individuals, family members, and other groups have provided thousands of dollars and a helping hand to many Corunna High School seniors. The Corunna Education Foundation would like to express its gratitude, respect, and recognition to those that made these scholarships possible.

                                                                        Scholarship Amounts Given 1989-2024

2024 Education Foundation Raffle Results