Time sensitive survey regarding free produce boxes -- LIMITED availability. https://forms.gle/wDFyyjLzkwz8Kh486
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
Today's (5.22.2020) Superintendent message: (You would think after doing this for 55 times I would have remembered to share the link!!) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JhR2raR3R1OeIsK4L-z1vbXIrz9_BXZ7ZCWAYr5WtKc/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
Today's superintendent (5.22.2020) message
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
Our Preschool Pajama Party on March 19th has been cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience.
almost 5 years ago, April Woodruff
Parents and guardians, please complete this survey by Friday, Match 27th... https://forms.gle/nCvhTVrdRHirqHR89 We value your input!
almost 5 years ago, April Woodruff
Decisions about athletic events will not be made until around noon today (Friday, February 7, 2020)
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Corunna Public Schools will be closed Friday, February 7, 2020, due to poor road conditions. Childcare will be open. Again, Corunna Public Schools will be closed, February 7, 2020. Stay safe and stay warm.
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
CHS principals Mr. Thomas & Mr. Brieger will be holding a parent meeting (weather permitting) 6 pm Thursday, Feb. 6, and Monday, Feb. 10 in the CHS cafeteria to discuss moving away from the block schedule for next year. Hope to see you there! #gr82bgold
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
We have been having issues with our phone system today; our technology department is working diligently on it. Thanks in advance for your patience.
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Louise Peacock will be closed Tuesday & Wednesday due to student/staff illness. Complete details can be found with this link or on our website. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WOJyBPIfqMy3TNMpV9gn2AazyxpQKgV4EIGyHeuZDXk/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Feedback has been fantastic at our recent "Community Input" meetings. Next ones are 7:30 a.m. Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday; both will be in the CHS media center. Hope to see you there! #gr82bgold
about 5 years ago, John Fattal
Feedback has been fantastic at our recent Community Input meetings. Next one is this afternoon (3:40 p.m., Wednesday, January 29) at Nellie Reed. Hope to see you there! #gr82bgold
about 5 years ago, John Fattal
Support the Corunna Education Foundation by purchasing a ticket (or two?) to the annual raffle dinner April 29. These hard-working volunteers have presented more than $1 million in scholarships to Corunna students through the years! Call (989) 743-6338 to reserve your ticket.
about 5 years ago, John Fattal
Education Foundation Tickets
Santa Event 2019
about 5 years ago, April Woodruff
Santa Event 2019
Santa Event 2019
Santa Event 2019
Santa Event 2019
Our staff... Diabetes Awareness... #rockingourblue #noonefightsalone
about 5 years ago, April Woodruff
Lp staff
Our staff for Diabetes Awareness... #noonefightsalone #rockingourblue
about 5 years ago, April Woodruff
Ms. VanLoon
Mrs. Vizi and Mrs. Fulton
Ms. Stinson, Mrs. Corwin, and Mrs. Rumisek
Mrs. Galesk and Mrs. Lindberg
Check here for important notification information regarding our new app coming November 1!!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fe6wAiodtn2EReuoqM1VJPwwXiG35gJyhgeEylRXBcM/edit?usp=sharing
over 5 years ago, John Fattal
Preschool portraits have shipped! They should be arriving soon!
over 5 years ago, April Woodruff