Elsa Meyer Elementary will be closed today, Monday, May 22, 2023, due to a failed sewer pump. All other schools in the district will be open. Again, Elsa Meyer Elementary will be closed today, Monday, May 22.

2 weeks left!
5/21/2023 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5ggf8SwWQFAibsgOWlGRIxGtZagV8Lv6rxZWUvaK3hYTYlJbT_YLoa_GN8YD4QeJzrYwl3ATHVEHH/pub

We still have 3 baskets from the PTO Ice Cream Social that need to be claimed in the Elsa Meyer office!
Basket 7 (449422), Basket 16 (449315) and Basket 21 (449187).
New tickets will be pulled Tuesday morning if these are not picked up by Monday.

Can't believe summer break is almost here!
5/14/2023 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS_X3sqJU8cNhhUqOWaaatTRigcwM0Z-KOes5PusTjjksYrkExuUxAYtGB5OwCaoeTMwodw7wDBuVcn/pub

After monitoring the weather, we have decided to delay graduation until 7 p.m. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Seniors, please report to the CHS media center at 6 p.m.

Fellow Cavaliers,
This morning there was a 0% chance of precipitation at all today. In the last hour, that percentage has changed to 42% at 3 p.m.
We will continue monitoring the weather and will contact you again at 1 p.m. to determine if graduation will be at 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. tonight.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
You have to love living in Michigan.
Mr. Fattal

Happy May!
5/7/2023 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQwYqoqQ5cgpgyuicckF1bMZz8kbrdUAKfRSaXXhatjQVb-B5ArAUEkFQ5y05qqw-gsY0EZQTD8itF5/pub

Lots of important end of the year updates are included in this week's update!
NR Family 4/30/23: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRxnt2WT99rx39BEf6QZGibyj47cMpk4XeDM-svu2ZR9ZDUcpYT3tJyPgrY_AZYu-SJYpHZDUdgwFo2/pub

Can you believe there are only 40 days left of the school year?!
4/23/23 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRlqoxD-bf9sTqUNPk_HBd1fuwMhF4wgzVe0pcQlbpJT8a6lIVkngYWtDrXHXYBEDYGvwvDYoN7e37o/pub

Don't forget! Tomorrow your student can wear a hat for $1 and help support our Corunna Odyssey of the Mind teams' trip to World Finals!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICECREAM! All Nellie Reed and Elsa Meyer students (and their families!) are invited to join us at the Corunna Elementary PTO Ice Cream Social on May 17th from 5-7pm at Elsa Meyer.
If you would like to help with raffle items, please visit this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050544a8a92ca7f85-ptoraffle1/88069702#/

NR: Don't forget! Spring pictures are tomorrow!

Hello Sunday!
4/16/23 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQpVlsMqHrYoD9t6uUJFb2kG0EfOilC9tXRLu_Na-afRnQbXncj4OI-NekOVVLs3aTWscWlbtQPMb8T/pub

NR: Don't miss out on ordering a yearbook from the 22/23 school year. Tomorrow is the last day to turn in order forms!

Happy Sunday!
4/9/23 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRfet5C0Y_VjfiO3aAXfeWbPknIWIjzaQLuSR2deQEQRv8b4j08Tqu34r2tOetr5UwVOz7ppGXv1c2d/pub

We hope you've had a relaxing break, see you all tomorrow!
4/2/2023 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vToIWaRZmOdFGe3GYEMS5Yz0M3tovf3iY1n_ThBWBPixFzvptf-L27SMbXj22nlYXfeOFOYzNPt7hyl/pub

Happy Spring Break!
3/26/23 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQGYS10fhgvmxI5jkwcMPIsn3pd_Taln9FS5yYcZ9dFSEetnwqktDaZxIV09ZjQvzebey7PlSWgYM_m/pub

We hope you've had a beautiful weekend. Update below!
3/19/2023 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQBriRTZ6JDhDSUS98o_gI10-J1WK8c5zU7Xq7cYkBpOZ4KwBqDwEVOLzX4r-0eIrrRtYyyrUUgkvnV/pub

Fellow Cavaliers,
What a day. Certainly, it’s a St. Patrick’s day to remember!!!
I can’t even begin to tell you how GREAT our entire team is! Every building stepped up and helped with today’s situation. Our transportation department was incredible! I called Becky Plementosh, and our drivers were on site within minutes to take our our students to the Fairgrounds! All county schools jumped in ready to help. Owosso had two buses ready to assist. The SRESD provided additional radios and offered transportation support if needed – and Dave Schulte (RESD superintendent) was on site the entire time at the Fairgrounds. Our first responders ( Corunna Caledonia Fire Department, Corunna Police Chief Schmitzer, Owosso PD, Rob Herrick from the Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Dept., Central Dispatch, our very own Head of Security Larry LaFramboise and Public Health Nurse Noah Wiggins) were on hand and assisted from the start. All were super supportive. The people at the Fairgrounds were way more accommodating than could have been expected.
However, I want to take more than a moment to thank the Elsa Meyer Elementary team, led by the administrative team of Stacy Regan and Jason Beldyga. The entire Elsa Meyer team was fantastic! The entire team was calm! The entire team jumped in to help in any way they could! The entire team was supportive and loving to every single student! They were super team players!
In short, the entire Elsa Meyer team was HEROIC!!!!
The elements were miserable (I’m having a hard time typing this as I can’t yet feel my fingers – and many were out there without coats, hats, etc., doing what needed to be done). Their efforts were proof-positive to parents and the rest of the community of how unselfish, loving, and dedicated our staff is for their children. Again, I can’t even begin to tell you how impressive each and every one of them was!
I am humbled by their efforts.
Finally, here’s a quick bullet-point summary of what happened:
- The fire alarm system went off at Elsa Meyer.
- Students / staff evacuated the building.
- The alarm stopped, but the system was still showing an anomaly.
- Someone reported they thought they had seen smoke coming from the roof (the fire department has since surmised that it was probably steam from the boiler room…)
- The fire department was called.
- Communication was shared with families.
- We then moved the students to the armory.
- When the fire department arrived, they did a complete sweep of the building. We were told it was going to be a very lengthy process.
- At that time, we made the decision to transport the students to the Fairgrounds and have parents reunite with their children there.
- We received an “all-clear” for Elsa Meyer from the fire department while we were at the Fairgrounds. The fire department said they didn’t see any sign of any fire, smoke, etc., that would be cause for alarm.
- Several more updates were made to families.
- The building (Elsa Meyer) was open for parents to pick up student belongings from 1 to 3 p.m.
All students are accounted for. All students are safe. The district's time spent previously working on our Emergency Operations Plan was time well spent.
Thanks again, and have a GREAT weekend!
Superintendent John Fattal

It's almost time for Spring Break- updates below!
3/12/23 NR Family Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQMxDsyUCUFDRL0D1lAS9G4iVvuvR5B9Ve9AYMYbxJNuhNB1QzPR8DL3kmr6M8-Cjfwpvvswsk1wn_v/pub