Message from Superintendent John Fattal

It's mandated we receive feedback monthly regarding our ECLP (as we did last month). Please help us evaluate our plan by completing the following short survey.

Message from Superintendent John Fattal

Good Monday morning NR Family! October 26 Parent Update and Learning Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hr5xWl7L8pcXmfHamlysMPzw5viM3F2JsjX-QK157-A/edit?usp=sharing

Message from Superintendent John Fattal regarding tomorrow's Virtual Learning Day:

Don't forget that tomorrow, October 16th, is a district Virtual Day. Students do not attend school. Parents can touch base with Nellie Reed teachers during their virtual hours: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BF4QoX300DAFUJvqDWxJq0tk6XhCo6zP62yd9PQ394U/edit?ts=5f845a07

Nellie Reed Teacher Virtual Office Hours for October 16, 2020.

Covid-19 information 10.13.2020

Online Students- If you would like to participate in this year's fundraiser- please visit https://fundraisingcoofamerica.com/student-registration-shop/ and use the organization 'Nellie Reed' to register your student. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wiggins at NR!

Happy Monday! Here is an update for this week: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1elRZTBz2vrGSxhwwtVmWHeE1Tw3fDguI1SY8U3LOX4Q/edit

On Friday, your child was sent home with a Fundraiser Package from Nellie Reed PTO. This is our one big fundraiser for the year and helps to provide our students and staff with items for the classroom and school. Additionally, there are prize incentives for our top sellers. This year’s fundraiser includes items that would be great gift giving ideas for the holidays. Our fundraiser runs now until October 19th and all products will be sent to the school by November 19th. We hope you can help support our school by participating in this fundraiser.

Corunna Food Service will be offering meal pick up for the District Wide Virtual Days on October 16, October 30 and November 13. Breakfast and Lunch will be free of charge and available for pick up at Corunna High School, Elsa Meyer and Nellie Reed from 9:30am -10am. You must sign up if you plan to pick up a meal for your student on these virtual days. We will be providing meals for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with this pick up. Please use this link https://forms.gle/yFNTtY78831TqhiJ7 to sign up.

What a wonderful Wednesday celebrating our Walt Disney spirit day!

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are October’s.” -Anne of Green Gables
Weekly Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fhk_yvVOo6tyVSUkbz1H4-4vyVGlCkiiG3dmcRZs1sU/edit

Message from Superintendent John Fattal

Homecoming Spirit Days are just around the corner!

Happy Homecoming Cavs! Spirit days start Monday, October 5th!

Who's ready for another awesome week! Click below for our weekly parent update!

Important message from Superintendent John Fattal

Happy Friday, Corunna friends and families!
Here is an AMAZING opportunity to help support the social/emotional health of our Elsa Meyer and Nellie Reed students. Please click the link below to access our Donors Choose campaign and consider donating to help fund our goals of new SEL materials.
Remember to share on Facebook, Twitter, with friends, family, and co workers!
Let's show our kiddos it truly is Great to be Gold!!