Picnic lunch today!
Fun at McCurdy!
McCurdy Park adventures this week!
Wiffle ball, football and four square stations!
Tons of fun with water!
Water filled balls, bubbles and chalk activities!
Airplanes, music, sponges and bocce ball!
Play Day Success!
Official end to the Comic Book Club!
New ticket number for Basket 21 from the Corunna PTO Ice Cream Social! If you have ticket 449382 please contact the Elsa Meyer office to claim your reward!
Elsa Meyer Elementary will be closed today, Monday, May 22, 2023, due to a failed sewer pump. All other schools in the district will be open. Again, Elsa Meyer Elementary will be closed today, Monday, May 22.
TY for visiting Elsa Mrs. Labadie!
We still have 3 baskets from the PTO Ice Cream Social that need to be claimed in the Elsa Meyer office!
Basket 7 (449422), Basket 16 (449315) and Basket 21 (449187).
New tickets will be pulled Tuesday morning if these are not picked up by Monday.
Thank you for a great night at Elsa Meyer!
Ice cream social fun!
Raffle winners! Way to go!
For those coming to our PTO Ice Cream Social- please park in the visitor lot and walk to the back of the school near the sledding hill, on the west end of the building! See everyone soon!
We have 20 yearbooks left for sale!
The cost is $15. Cash or checks accepted.
We hope to see you tonight from 5-7pm on the playground for the Corunna Elementary PTO Ice Cream Social🍦Please bring a blanket and/or chairs!
After monitoring the weather, we have decided to delay graduation until 7 p.m. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Seniors, please report to the CHS media center at 6 p.m.