Cavs of the Week!!!! Great job friends!
almost 5 years ago, Hayley Nellis
Cavs of the Week!!!  Great job friends!
Learning all about hockey at EM🏒
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
Cavs of the Week Congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, Peggy Friess
Cavs of the Week
BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT Addison Tersigni, Grayson Campbell, Carter Semans, Brody Warfle, Mason Yates, Damien Rodabaugh, Isla Horvath, Andrew Simmons, Isabella Bonavia, Dax Hensley FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT Hayley Schmitke, Jade LeBrecque, Olivia Lambert, Maylee Bowles, Jaxson Baley, Leland Dennis, Zvannah Blasdell, Coralyn Carrel
almost 5 years ago, Peggy Friess
Cavs of the Week
Gr8 research by 2nd graders!
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
Love positive calls to families!
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
Positive calls from EM!
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
Decisions about athletic events will not be made until around noon today (Friday, February 7, 2020)
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Corunna Public Schools will be closed Friday, February 7, 2020, due to poor road conditions. Childcare will be open. Again, Corunna Public Schools will be closed, February 7, 2020. Stay safe and stay warm.
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Cavs of the Week-January 31, 2020 Congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, Peggy Friess
Cavs of the Week
CHS principals Mr. Thomas & Mr. Brieger will be holding a parent meeting (weather permitting) 6 pm Thursday, Feb. 6, and Monday, Feb. 10 in the CHS cafeteria to discuss moving away from the block schedule for next year. Hope to see you there! #gr82bgold
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
We have been having issues with our phone system today; our technology department is working diligently on it. Thanks in advance for your patience.
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Louise Peacock will be closed Tuesday & Wednesday due to student/staff illness. Complete details can be found with this link or on our website.
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Positive calls today!
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
Feedback has been fantastic at our recent "Community Input" meetings. Next ones are 7:30 a.m. Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday; both will be in the CHS media center. Hope to see you there! #gr82bgold
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Feedback has been fantastic at our recent Community Input meetings. Next one is this afternoon (3:40 p.m., Wednesday, January 29) at Nellie Reed. Hope to see you there! #gr82bgold
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Positive call for Landon!
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
Cavs of the Week Congratulations!!!
almost 5 years ago, Peggy Friess
Cavs of the Week
Support the Corunna Education Foundation by purchasing a ticket (or two?) to the annual raffle dinner April 29. These hard-working volunteers have presented more than $1 million in scholarships to Corunna students through the years! Call (989) 743-6338 to reserve your ticket.
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Education Foundation Tickets
Cavs of the Week! Left to right top: Ezra Chapman, Nathaniel Embury, Samantha Pugh, Natalee Meyers, Chloe Fraidenburg, Ava Hall Left to right bottom: Noah Dodge, Alyiah Barnes, Lillian Wilkinson, Trinity Davis, Madison Tate, Mason Kolodica, Holden Pettit, Braden Losey
about 5 years ago, Peggy Friess
Cavs of the Week!