Message from Superintendent John Fattal
Message from Superintendent Mr. Fattal
Woot woot Savannah!
The Elsa Meyer PTO Christmas Candy Sale has been extended until this Friday, December 3rd. Please let your child's teacher or the office know if you need a new order form!
Our Backpack Program Food Drive goes until Friday (12/3). We would love donations of fruit snacks, granola bars, soup, mac 'n cheese, ravioli, bags of oatmeal , gift cards to Aldi or Save-A-Lot! Cash donations are also appreciated. Winning classes get cider and donuts!
Don’t forget cold weather gear!!! Unless it’s below 0 or raining we get outside to exercise bodies and brains!
Santa’s Workshop is back at Elsa Meyer Elementary! We will have gifts for moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, sisters, brothers, cats and dogs! Each gift is $1.50. The form to fill out for what gifts your child will be purchasing will be sent home on Monday, November 29th!
Thankful for so much!
Shining bright lights in second!
Fall art in third!
What are you thankful for??
Donations for our food drive!!! Don’t forget it is extended 1 week after break and monetary donations are accepted!
A girl after my heart! Starbucks and popcorn.
Getting ready to play floor hockey!
Having some T-Day fun!
Getting ready for Xmas already😳
Using her book to find text evidence. So smart!
So many great book choices!
Playing BINGO!
Reading on Epic!