Getting ready to create a timeline in second.
Have you seen our first grade number talk board? Everyday thee is a new problem to solve!
A quick snack to get energy to finish the day strong!!
Amazing work Wyatt and Avery!
What a group of amazing students!
Shining a light on reading!
Book check out!
What a fun day???
Is reading more fun with a flashlight and a friend this month? The EM students would say yes!
Flashlight Fun!
Fundraiser packets are due today!
Due to poor driving conditions, Corunna Public Schools will be closed Friday, March 11. Childcare will be open.
Lots of fun popping popcorn this week in First Grade!
E.V.E.R.Y. Day💕
Practicing math!
Reagan and Regan - Ready for next game🏀
Scoot Scoot!
Working on shared reading in third grade about weather 🌪
Researching and writing biographies in third.
Area work with Mr. Golab.