Writing for a third grade audience!
First graders wising third graders with their writing!
There are baskets that are being raffled off! Tickets are 2 for a $1 tonight in the EM pavilion until 645ish!
Can you stop by and visit before 7pm?
Hope you can join us for pizza, drinks and ice cream!
Come and join us on the playground!
Positive calls for Addy and Savannah!
Peer 2 Peer activities today!
Always love our FFA visitors!
What a treat! Thank you FFA!
CPS 2022 Graduation!
Airplane races!
Creating and flying paper airplanes in 3rd!
Third grade authors!
Third grade guest readers and CPS seniors!
Way to go CPS Grads!
Congrats Grads!
CAVS of the Week!