Woot woot DJ!
Positive calls for Brinley and Claire!
Shout outs for Charlotte, Tyler and Charlotte!
Fellow Cavaliers,
Earlier today (10.27.22) our high school administration was made aware of a social media post that some might construe as a possible threat. Our administration, Head of Security and the Corunna Police Department have conducted a thorough investigation and determined there never was a credible threat.
Please talk with your child about using social media in a responsible manner and check what your child posts on all their social media accounts, like Snap Chat or Tik Tok.
Superintendent John Fattal
Making comic book characters today in The EM Comic Book Club!
Experiment fun in Mrs. Princinsky’s class!
Great Reminder!! 🎉
Check out Corunna Drama Clubs 1st Annual Halloween Walk flyer!
CAVS of the Week!
Pics from the Comic Book Club!
Engineering in STEAM!
Mrs. Princinsky’s class wanted to share their special experiment with Mrs. Regan. Learning is better when shared! It is fun for everyone!
Just a reminder that Elsa Meyer Elementary does NOT have school tomorrow (10/21/22)!
Indoor recess games!
Water bead experiments!
Having fun practicing spelling words!
Playing Race to 100 in Mrs. Finton’s class.
Math brains at work!
Way to go Garrett!!!
We had GR8T visitors today!