over 4 years ago, John Fattal
Congratulations, Class of 2020, from the CMS staff. We are proud of you and wish you the best of luck!
over 4 years ago, Ingrid Dettman
Congratulations, Class of 2020!
Positive Lunch Balances: If your senior student has a remaining positive lunch balance you can reach out to Erin Levi, elevi@corunna.k12.mi.us or 989-743-8232 to have a check refunded back to you; or you can transfer the money to a sibling.
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
We will again be giving away 25-pound produce boxes 10-11 a.m. this Friday, June 12. This will be our last distribution this month. If you want to pick up a box, you MUST fill out the form below to ensure we have enough for everyone that wants one. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeybqAiGKKQ1M8Ku25_bnlX4iNh2dHV7ojo8Qcyu5lQ_UxVVg/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
over 4 years ago, Jamie Johnston
over 4 years ago, John Fattal
IMPORTANT message regarding the start of next school year (2020-2021). Please read. https://docs.google.com/document/d/130PbRysWfBDxM8JP5Dxc8jy1VbpzqoJGnOXWi8LN_2I/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Time sensitive survey regarding free produce boxes -- LIMITED availability. https://forms.gle/wDFyyjLzkwz8Kh486
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Today's (5.22.2020) Superintendent message: (You would think after doing this for 55 times I would have remembered to share the link!!) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JhR2raR3R1OeIsK4L-z1vbXIrz9_BXZ7ZCWAYr5WtKc/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Today's superintendent (5.22.2020) message
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Mrs. Lentz recently challenged students to take photographs that represent their experience during their time at home. Thank you for sharing. #gr82bgold
almost 5 years ago, Amanda Sanburn