We have a few 2019-2020 Yearbooks left. Get yours today for $5.00.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
2019-2020 Yearbook
2020-2021 Yearbooks were distributed today. We have a limited supply available in the office for $30.00 a piece if you still need one.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
Attention 3rd Grade Families If you are the parent of an incoming 4th grade student and would like to have a tour of Corunna Middle School, we will be offering an opportunity on Monday, June 7. Each student can have one adult attend with them for the tour. Ten families will be allowed to sign-up during each timeslot. All families will be able to tour the school in August before school starts as well. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0B45AAAB2BAAF49-4thgrade1
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
School Tours
Congratulations to all of our Students of the Month!
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
As a reminder the Band Informational Instrument Rental Meeting is tonight at 6:00 p.m. located in the CMS gym.
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
Please click on the link to view this week's Corunna Middle School Parent Update (5-30-2021): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1myeO7mOv-cKZTpZgEjPBOikCllG8B0utcLgCLEKumjg/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Ingrid Dettman
Our 6th and 7th grade drama club worked very hard in their production, Help Desk: A Stay-At-Home Play by Don Zolidis. If you would like to purchase a ticket to view online, please click on the link below. The link will be active from May 25 at 3:00pm until May 31 at 10:00pm. The final movie looks awesome!!! https://corunnapublicschool.anywhereseat.com/
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
Help Desk Production by Don Zolidis
over 3 years ago, John Fattal
Please click on the link to view this week's Corunna Middle School Parent Update (5-23-2021): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o3fdGA4PLD6Oh1u-BqwKPma1kSE9P1aVC9uU2PSZEiY/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Ingrid Dettman
5-21-21 CMS Announcementshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1sSf5yoSzhr4Z9Tr5HXUpXDppe6hqAInTLXVlHsx_bhA/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Amanda Sanburn
Attention 7th Grade Parents: If your child was in school on May 19 and took the practice SAT test, scores were sent home with them today. We were very impressed with how well so many of our students performed. Please ask your child about the letter they received today. Attention 6th Grade Parents: Tomorrow, May 21, is the last day to sign your student up to participate in the CMS Art Show on June 1 from 6-6:45 p.m. If you would like your child to participate, please click on the link. https://forms.gle/TJx2oqtANxZs1WTS7
over 3 years ago, Ingrid Dettman