5-23-22 CMS Announcements
Please click on the link to view this week's Corunna Middle School Parent Update (5-22-2022):
5-20-22 CMS Announcements
5-19-22 CMS Announcements
5-18-22 CMS Announcements https://docs.google.com/document/d/14tRVk8cWLlEKj0olrb1CPT0V2mTNZ8mWfl9HfX6R0ig/edit?usp=sharing
Congratulations to our May Students of the Month! (Part 2)
Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!
5-16-22 CMS Announcements
Please click on the link to view this week's Corunna Middle School Parent Update (5-15-2022):
5-13-22 CMS Announcements
Attention 6th/7th Grade Parents: The activity night scheduled for tomorrow after school needs to be cancelled due to a lifeguarding conflict. We are hoping to reschedule and will get details to you when available.
Attention 7th Grade Parents: Michigan's Adventure permission slips are due tomorrow and the money if possible. Mr. Herrick has been reminding students the last couple days and provided new copies of permissions to anyone who needed them before students left school today. The trip might need to be cancelled due to lack of interest. Please send permission slips back tomorrow!
5-12-22 CMS Announcements
Attention 6th Grade Parents: Students had a lot of fun today at Camp Copneconic!!! They had so much fun that the bus will be arriving back at the school later than originally planned. We expect arrival to be closer to 6:30 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
5-11-22 CMS Announcements
5-10-22 CMS Announcements
5-9-22 CMS Announcements
Please join us for a Community Resource Fair!
May 23rd
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Corunna Middle School
Some of the agencies that will be in attendance provide support around mental health, housing, safety, and parenting - Just to list a few!
Please click on the link to view this week's Corunna Middle School Parent Update (5-8-22):
5-5-22 CMS Announcements
5-4-22 CMS Announcements