Students who have made this choice will need to start by checking their CHS Powerschool Schedule and then referring to their corresponding teacher’s Schoology class pages by Monday, August 24th and Tuesday the 25th.
Some teachers have already begun posting to Schoology and have welcome videos and even class syllabuses up. All teachers will have these up no later than August, 25th and will include the classes expectations, policies and procedures and any other important information as it related to that particular class.
Students who are doing the 100% online learning will have assignments posted daily by their teachers, in some cases these will be the same day but may be one day behind what was taught in that class that day. Teachers will all be doing their absolute best to have lessons be within a day’s time frame of what was taking place right here for in person classes.
Students need to be participating daily in every course they are enrolled in. That may be performing a daily assignment or an assessment, but staying up to date and on track is critical to successful online learning. These are also the ways we will be tracking student participation which is required by the state for satisfying attendance requirements for online learners. Remember that attendance is how we receive our funding from the state, and it is crucial that students who have chosen to participate online are working as if they were right here in the building.
CHS and all of us at Corunna Public Schools appreciate our parents, students and community in all things, especially as we begin this new school year, TOGETHER, WE GOT THIS!!