CPS Education Foundation raffle will go on as planned tonight, beginning around 5 p.m. (the actual drawing won’t start until 6 p.m.). The drawing will be on our athletic Facebook page- Corunna High School Athletics Good luck and thank you for your continued support!
over 4 years ago, Peggy Friess
Love seeing pics of our students reading!!!
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan
This morning's (4.15.2020) message. I have been getting reports that some of you have not been able to access today's message. Here it is again (you could also look to access it on the LiveFeed on our website if this doesn't work). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oASnrjmIn_vd9mFsm4OMWstu1Gv119IC3XFsDd1aAyo/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
MI Student Aid Presents #Lounge and Learn with Chelsea Rademacher https://www.facebook.com/mistudentaid
almost 5 years ago, Peggy Friess
Today's (4.15.2020) message. This includes our learning plan information and is rather lengthy. Please read in its entirety. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oASnrjmIn_vd9mFsm4OMWstu1Gv119IC3XFsDd1aAyo/edit?usp=sharing
almost 5 years ago, John Fattal
Mother Bruce!!! Sure to be a classic🐻 https://youtu.be/_h6JinRWkjI
almost 5 years ago, Stacy Regan