If you have a student aged 12 years-old and up interested in receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, the Shiawassee County Health Department will be hosting a clinic on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 from 2:00pm-5:00pm at the Baker College Welcome Center in Owosso. A parent/guardian must consent and be present during the vaccination process for all students under 18.
When signing up your child for a vaccination appointment, please put your child/student’s name in the “name” box as we do ask for parent/guardian information below. After you have completed your registration, you will receive an email confirmation with the time, appointment type, and location from Acuity Scheduling. The second dose for your child will be scheduled for Friday, June 11, 2021. The Shiawassee County Health Department does not regularly receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine so SCHD encourages individuals to keep their second dose appointment.
The Shiawassee County Health Department will send paperwork out to individuals who decide to sign up for an appointment closer to the scheduled appointment time.
Scheduling link: https://schedulingshiawasseehealth.as.me/schedule.php?calendarID=5526730
The Shiawassee County Health Department