To Those Who Love the Class of 2020: Parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles, siblings, and friends can place a senior sendoff ad in the yearbook. It’s a great place to show off those creative senior pictures has had taken outdoors, with pets or with props, etc. The only way to secure a space in the yearbook is to pay for the ad up front. We accept checks made payable to Corunna High School. These sendoff messages are in full color! Here’s the pricing: Full Page: $285; Half Page: $160; Quarter Page: $85; One-eighth Page: $60.
Please following these guidelines: • write your message neatly to ensure that we can transcribe your message accurately • we have the right to correct all misspellings and other errors in grammar and usage • try to send electronic images via e-mail or submit a CD in jpeg format; otherwise, the yearbook staff will attempt to scan in images of hard copy pictures submitted
If you decide to give your 2020 graduate the gift of a senior sendoff ad, please submit all pictures and text with payment. The yearbook staff will return the pictures to the 2020 graduate when he or she receives the yearbook at the end of the school year. If you would like the yearbook staff to return your pictures to you by mail, then please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your payment.
The deadline for placing a senior ad is Thursday, January 24, 2020. If you have any questions about the senior sendoff ads, please contact the yearbook adviser, Mrs. Jessica Hilewsky: